(If the game is somewhat slow for you, try turning on hardware acceleration.)

About the Game

Mother Earth is a 2D space defender (-ish) game that I made in Unity LTS.

You play as a satellite whose main goal is to defend the Earth from incoming obstacles. These obstacles can spawn in different types throughout the game.

There's also a leveling system, and destroying obstacles grants you experience points (XP). Every time you level up, your stats will increase. However, at some points, the obstacle stats will also increase.

Only one control is necessary for this game, and that is your mouse. The satellite will follow wherever your cursor is currently at, and you can press the Left Mouse Button (LMB) to launch projectiles. You can also hold it down to launch continuously.


This is actually the first ever project that I've started AND completed, as I usually don't finish projects after starting them.

Development of this game took approximately 5 months, with it starting in early February 2023 until late July 2023.

I mainly created this game as a way to practice my skills in game development. Of course, I used Unity LTS since it was the easiest game engine to understand for me. Even though I had a game development subject in college, it was only a single session. So, I wasn't able to learn that much regarding it.

Thankfully, after college, I had more time to improve on my professional skills, including game development. And after much online tutorials, I finally managed to have a basic understanding of how simple games are created.

Anyways, thank you for having the time to play my first simple Unity game. God bless.

Made withUnity
Tags2D, Space, Unity
Average sessionA few minutes

Development log


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how do i fullscreen it

(1 edit)


I'm sorry, but as far as I know, you can't. I was using a custom WebGL template for this game in order to make sure it scaled properly.